Sabtu, 26 November 2011


The widespread tales that the Keris (or kris), a traditional weapon, possesses magical powers that allow it to fly or move by itself inside a cupboard have enthralled many, spurring not only locals but also foreign tourists to purchase these ornate knives when visiting Indonesia. Does a keris have really supernatural power, a life of its own? The answer depends entirely on individual's own perception.

Keris are found in Java, Sumatra, Bali and other islands of the archipelago, and have also been used in the Malay Peninsula, Southern Philippines and Thailand since as long ago as the 13th century. The most ornate ones are made in Java, dating back to the kingdoms of Jenggala, Daha, Kediri, Singasari, Pajajaan, Majapahit, Demak, Pajang, Mataram. Today the keris continues to be made as a home industry in Indonesia, especially in Madura and East Java.

Experts on keris focus on many different aspects of the weapons in order to fully understand them, viewing them from different aspects, such as the historical, cultural, archaeological, anthropological, as well as considering all the legends, mythology and ethnology.

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